FOREWORD BLESSED are the Peacemakers! That is perhaps the reflection that comes uppermost in one's mind when considering the life and work of that great soul Fer- dinand de Lesseps. He was a Frenchman; and it is a signal honour to France that she produced such a son. But De Lesseps was not only a Frenchman, he was a world citizen. His whole career was devoted to the service of humanity. In these days of narrow nation- alism and party allegiances it is good to think on such a man. It has been a pleasure to write this biography, not only because its subject is a person whom one can admire unrestrainedly, but because to see for awhile with his vision is to recapture something of one's youth- ful idealism and to have one's hope in humanity restored. While men of his type are born into the world we need have no fears for civilisation. The life of Ferdinand de Lesseps was full, active and useful. He was a practical man of affairs as well as a dreamer. There was nothing of the ascetic about him: he was gay, witty, and charming, enjoying the good things, both a sportsman and a cavalier. He loved his home and his children. He radiated sympathy and helpfulness, so that people of all conditions turned to him naturally in trouble. Adventure was the spice of life to him, and he could never complain of the lack of it. One would not for a moment present him as fault- less : his deficiencies were plain and, indeed, to incor- rigibly adult minds distinctly irritating, for here was a 9